I’m grateful to BBC Music Magazine for a short but sweet review of Borne by a Wind: “A thought-provoking selection of recent works by this Boston-based composer. Red Wind is the dramatic centerpiece, fusing poetry with an unusual and evocative musical soundscape.”
Monthly Archives: April 2021
It was quite a trip doing the sound design for the Duke University Department of Theater Studies’ production of Euripides’ Medea completely remotely this spring. I’m proud to have been a part of this production team, which navigated many pitfalls and hurdles to livestream three performances this weekend.
The Wire says of Borne by a Wind : “These contrasting, yet contemporary, modes of delivering Mackey’s words are set within tactfully spaced and stylistically flexible music.”
Read the full review here: The Wire.
Read the full review here: The Wire.
Textura calls Borne by a Wind “Never less than stimulating… starry-eyed and mystical.”
Read the full review here: Textura.
Read the full review here: Textura.